goins and cummins

An attempt to keep up with the goings and comings of the Cummins family; namely Wanda and Ray.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Looking Back...
...on the past week reminds me that getting things done when you are busy is so rewarding. I had a Friday in which I accomplished as much as I usually do in a week.
...doing retail sales for my step-daughter's store helps me to focus on people for a change. I am trying to put myself in the place of the customers and treating them the way that I have always wanted to be treated when shopping.
...preparing for another couple's 25th Wedding Anniversary reminded me of my own celebration in such an unusual setting.
...as I consider the passing of Jerry Falwell into glory. What a thrill for him! I remember the times that I heard him speak in person and found that he caused me to dream bigger dreams. He was used by the Lord to build a huge church at Thomas Road Baptist and also an ongoing wonderful university that will be his legacy.
...preparing today's Sunday School lesson, I was reminded of my own failures in my Christian life and how God has used them to get me back on track in my personal spiritual life; at the same time seeing the continuing consequences of some very bad choices that I made at one time in my life.
...What are you thinking?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Oklahoma State Spelling Bee Champ!
...Yes, I spelled 15 words correctly to overcome some very good Senior Adult spellers at the Oklahoma State Senior Spelling Bee last Wednesday morning. There were 19 spellers who qualified by winning their respective regional spelling bees. Ages ranged from mine at 60 to 96.
...Here is just a sample of the words given: eisegesis, funipendulous, pulchritudinous, vivification, equinoctial, scarabaeiform, afflatus, solstitial, and many other interesting words taken from Webster's Third International Dictionary and Addendum.
...Second place was earned by the lady who has won five of these Bees in the past 10 years, Martha Gallaspy.
...I received a nice trophy, blue ribbon, and several knickknacks with the bumblebee logo for spelling bees.