Did Anyone Else Believe George Tenet?
...His interview on "60 Minutes" last night showed why he was director of the CIA. He couldn't answer any question directly. He implied that we had no reason to go to war in Iraq; but we already knew that. He stated that we had intelligence on two of the terrorists who flew into the World Trade Center, but never discovered their names on the passenger manifests until after the bombing.
...I am afraid that trying to force Iraq to have a democracy may not work, because inherent in democracy is the rule of moral people with a biblical ethic. It is beginning to unravel in the U.S.; so why should we force it upon nations who have no moral fiber to sustain it? The corruption among the Iraqi ministry is evidence of similar morals to our own Congress, e.g. the Washington, D.C. madam who is naming names of high-ranking officials who used her "escort service."
...It seemed to me that Mr. Tenet was more loyal to the CIA than to our country. Why didn't our executive branch listen and take heed to his advice before we involved ourselves in the culture of another nation?
...Why can't Pres. Bush admit mistakes and change courses of action? Because it is not in his nature; he was the same type of Governor of Texas before he became Commander in Chief.
...Edmund Burke said that America is good, but that if America ever ceases to be good, it will cease to be great.
...Mr. Tenet would never admit that we torture prisoners to get information from them. He considers "waterboarding" a normal interrogator's tool.