Senior Adult Spelling Bee
...Yes, I have entered now that I have reached the Senior Adult age for the local Spelling Bee. If I qualify to attend the Oklahoma Senior Adult Spelling Bee, I will post that later.
...The idea of preparation and attendance at such a competition is agathokakological at best. Today, I learned a great Hawaiian word:
humuhumunukunukuapuaa and added to my growing list of words to know.
...Writing the words is a snap, but orally spelling them stretches all the powers of my mind to see the word in my mind and spell it letter for letter without losing the image of the word I am supposed to be spelling. I have much greater respect for those middle school spellers in the National Scripps Howard Spelling Bee!
...One advantage may be the physical exercise that I am getting from constantly lifting and opening an unabridged dictionary!
...Who knew that so many words have been added to our American language from so many other countries and languages.