goins and cummins

An attempt to keep up with the goings and comings of the Cummins family; namely Wanda and Ray.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

New Jersey congress may have a better idea...
...which is to satisfy a court order allowing same-sex commitments to have the same benefits of marriage commitments without calling it "marriage." Finally, someone is recognizing tha a Christian marriage is different from a Mormon marriage or an Islamic marriage. A perverted commitment therefore cannot be termed a marriage by any religious group. Homosexual acts are condemned in the Christian Bible and religious groups who support, endorse, and perform ceremonies for such people are in violation of the Bible.
...Read the article for yourself. Same-sex couples are engaging in sinful behavior if they are being intimate and why would they want to make such a public commitment, if they were remaining celibate? Why do they want the approval of the church, or Christianity, or any other religious entity? Don't they just want the tax breaks associated with marriage? Give them the tax breaks, but don't condone the sinful behavior.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Actions Constitute Violations
...Even though members of political parties are not going to discriminate based upon sexual preferences, when a congressman acts upon his sexual preference, he is violating the morals of ever decent society. If he was born homosexual, he may quietly remain that way the rest of his life, but he does not have permission to act upon those desires, especially trying to seduce young co-workers.
...This is just as wrong is a heterosexual tries the same thing. The president who had a sexual relationship with an intern was in violation of the same thing. We tend to overlook the heterosexual misconduct, but it is just as bad.
...The moral standard implies that heterosexual desires must be controlled and fulfilled only within marriage. The homosexual desires must also be controlled and there is no moral permission ever to act upon those desires; one should remain celibate for life.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Report Estimates over 650,000 Iraqis have died in war
...What is the price of democracy in Iraq? Apparently, so far it has been hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens. A current report using statistical sampling surveys reports over 650,000 Iraqis have died since the war started. This has been mostly at the hands of their own people involved in this civil war. The coalition military has contributed about 30% of the killing.
It is no wonder, some of them wish for the old days of dictatorship.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Interruption in Blog
...I had to go for four days to stay with my father who is approaching 95 years of age. He lives with my older sister, and she needed to take a break to go see some of her relatives. Dad and I went fishing two times, catching a few crappie. I got to see my first great great niece ever: Ciara Jo Capton.
...Now I return and find that we are on the verge of being able to "turn off" certain genes in molecular medicine. I hope there will be some serious ethical thought to this process.
...Physicists won the Nobel Prize for Peace measuring some background radiation that they claim substantiates the "big bang" theory of universal origins. They also claim that the measurements support an age of 13.7 billion years for the universe. Of course, this is from an extrapolation from measurements of things they claim happened 380,000 years ago. Does anyone else have a problem with such extreme ages? All of this started with a need to have long ages for statistical probabilities of evolution. The best mathematicians understand that these ages don't scratch the surface of that which would be needed to insure even the probability of one cell being formed. The physicists uses equations in quantum mechanics that require assumptions of long ages for them to predict what their measurements might imply. It is again another instance of circular logic applied to physical measurements. Back when carbon-14 dating was promoted, the ages were measured to be in the tens of thousands of years. With each new dating method, the years increased until someone was satisfied that the rhenium-osmium dating would give sufficient ages, so that the least-inquiring mind would not deny them. From those measurements and assumptions, the calculators came up with about 4 billion years for the formation of the earth. That was a large enough number for the average laymen to accept their theories of origins. These same laymen still believe that millions of people buying powerball tickets will produce a winner, when it takes many more purchases and weeks to get one winner. And that is just to get six numbers in any order to match a ticket. Now how many tickets would have to be purchased to produce one winner with the number and location of proteins in a single molecule of DNA for one cell? It is more than "astronomical."